For the most part, the holidays are about spending quality time with family and friends, adhering to religious customs, and focusing on all that they have to be thankful for. However, if you or a loved one must spend Christmas in the hospital, this may be challenging.
Spending the holidays in the hospital can be lonely for people who live in long-term care facilities or who are in the hospital awaiting (or recuperating from) an operation. They’re not only feeling left out of the festivities, but they’re also far from home and familiar faces.
Similarly, carers and their families may find it difficult to celebrate a holiday at home when someone close to them is in the hospital owing to health problems.
Unfortunately, treatment does not wait for the holidays to end, so if you or a loved one will be spending all or part of the holidays in the hospital, keep these suggestions in mind:
Before you start planning your party, find out whether there are any specific products or activities you should avoid based on the patient’s therapy or the type of ward they’re on. A brief call to the patient or the hospital floor nurse can help you gather the information you need ahead of time.
Now that you know what’s permitted, here’s how to bring holiday cheer to the hospital:
Quality Time
Having individuals they care about come to see them in the hospital is a favourite pastime for most patients and their families. When a loved one is in the hospital, spend time with them. The true present is your presence.
Meaningful Gift Giving
While it may be tempting to buy that lovely pocketbook they’ve been eyeing or their team’s newest football jersey, remember to provide gifts that someone in the hospital can use immediately away. For someone in the hospital, a tablet, soundproof headphones, or an e-book reader are perfect gifts. They will be able to view movies, read books, or listen to their favourite music whenever they choose.
A Mini Christmas Tree
It just doesn’t seem right to have a Christmas without a glistening tree, does it? Even if fresh plants and flowers are not permitted in the hospital, a Christmas tree or wreath is still permissible. Instead, why not brighten up the hospital room with a little artificial tree with battery operated LED lights?
Decorating The Room
Hang up Christmas cards, tinsel and family photos for a more homely feel.
Festive Friends
Arrange for a Santa Claus visit to their bedside for younger patients who won’t be able to go to Santa’s Grotto this year. Simple measures like penning a little note at the end of their Christmas list to clarify where they are will help reassure them if they are worried that Santa won’t know where they are going to visit.
Christmas Movie Night
Using a laptop, tablet or hospital DVD player, enjoy festive films like Elf, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Home Alone and oh so much more.
Festive Treats Sure To Please
Nothing brings back memories of childhood like home cuisine. Ask a doctor or nurse if it’s okay to bring some home-cooked food for a friend or family member who is spending the holidays in the hospital. Gingerbread biscuits and cakes, which are created at home, are also enjoyable and familiar.
Create A Christmassy Playlist
Create a playlist of favourite Christmas tunes and play it the next time you visit. Just remember to keep the volume at a reasonable level so you don’t disturb other hospital patients or staff.
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